What is an app page?

An app page is simply any page that's been built on the Shopify 'Pages' section of the Shopify platform that can be found here:

Need to know more about Shopify store pages? Click HERE to ready Shopifys guide on 'pages'

Add an App Page to your customer account:

What does the page look like on the customer account once added?

Below you can see the new store page in the customer account menu as well as the content of the page loaded inside of the customer account page


How do I know if the app I'm using uses Shopify pages and will work?

There's a few ways to find out. But the easiest are,

Check the menu builder:

Try to add the page you're looking for from the built in menu builder. If you can see it, then it's a page that uses the Shopify pages platform and can be used inside of the customer account page. Just add the page and you're all done

Check the address of the page:

Every web page has an address, if the address ends in /pages/ then something afterward, then it's a Shopify page and will load within the customer account page. So for example, it would look like the below: