The primary reason a metafield isn't being displayed is simply that the metafield and the Customer Accounts Hub app may not be able to see each other.

To ensure everything is setup correctly, just ensure that inside of the 'customize > profile builder', right at the bottom of the page, your namespace is set to 'custom'

And the field you've created is using the same namespace:

As long as these two are the same, you're all set and just need to 'reload fields from shopify'. If you're using a different namespace on the metafield you've created, simply update the namespace in the advanced section of our app (the first image above) to match the namespace and reload the field from shopify. You'll be all set.

You just need to ensure that these two match and then the Customer Accounts Hub app will be able to display them on the profile page, profile card and registration form.

Still not able to see them?

Reach out to us and we'll have a look. If you could send us through screenshots like the above, that can also help us to look into this for you a little faster :)